Now and then I'll post a new bit of my short fiction.




Nobody else noticed the absurd event. The clown. The dog. The ducks. Only the man in the threadbare overcoat saw it happen. The absurd event unfolded on a busy street corner. The man in the threadbare overcoat was there for the beginning of the absurd event. He saw the clown. He was there for the middle portion of the event. The dog. A few moments later the man in the threadbare overcoat nodded his head at the conclusion of the absurd event. This was the thing with the duck. Who would have believed a bird could manage such a feat?

Three elements came together and formed a progression. The man in the overcoat bore witness and, in so doing, became a part of the progression.

Four elements, then.

Hey. Did you see that the man in the threadbare overcoat asked a young woman in a flowered hat as she stepped out of a nearby drugstore.

What? Was that, mister?

The young woman spoke with a noticeable stutter.

The man in the threadbare overcoat couldn’t decide.

Was this another part of the progression?

Why not?

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